360° Service Portfolio

Trinito’s 360° portfolio of services and solutions are designed to offer our clients an end-to-end solution for all their IT requirements. Our offer therefore encompasses everything from the initial consultancy and planning phase to every aspect of procurement, implementation and support. As an organisation we are committed to delivering ‘best in class’ solutions across our entire portfolio and always look to prove ourselves by demonstrating our ability to create specialist value.

Services and Solutions

Our resources allow us to work with organisations of every type and scale from multinationals and government departments to small companies and individual entrepreneurs. To many we are their sole IT partner delivering the full 360° service; however we equally work with many organisations who see us as a specialist partner in one or more areas and also those who have a one off requirement.

Catering for such a wide array of people and organisations means our offering has to not be only scalable; but equally flexible and extremely cost conscious. In achieving this we are able to deliver the same sense of value to everyone we support. As you would expect our relationship and consulting teams have a great deal of specialist sector experience, however regardless of the noted benefits that this brings; we’re never blinkered by previous experience and always embrace the individuality of every organisation that we work with.

Delivering our offering

All Trinito clients’ regardless of size are assigned their own Relationship Manager (or relationship team for larger organisations); whose job is to offer a personalised link to our full range of services and solutions and also to provide quick and considered access to the right specialist knowledge and expertise.

Every member of our consulting and engineering teams also serves as a member of one of our specialist knowledge groups (technology expertise areas) within our internal knowledge network. This helps us support a large range of technologies and vendors across all of the services and solutions listed below.

Consultancy & Planning

Vendor Neutral Guidance and Support

Whether your objectives are organisational e.g. growth, change, efficiency etc. or more technology focused e.g. security, mobility, data management etc. our consultancy services can offer guidance and support across our full portfolio of technologies and vendors. So whether you’re looking for specialist thinking to solve a problem or to create an advantage we are here to help you get more out of your technology.

In brief, our consultancy services cover everything from opportunity and technology appraisal, system design and specification, auditing as well as programmes for optimising and accelerating technology. Our consultancy team work hand in hand with our relationship and engineering teams to deliver a highly integrated solution.