Trinito Digital

Search Engine Optimisation

Regardless of how good your online resources are or how great your product, cause or service is, it is fair to say that you’ll never realise its full potential if new users fail to find you.

Our SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) services help address this problem to elevate your content rankings in the major search engines.

Pay Per Click (PPC) is a magic bullet for ranking your pages in the search engine results, but our target is the organic (free) search results which we believe are the most valuable, our strategy is simple:

We make changes to your site to help the indexing bots to crawl, index and understand your content.

We advise on your layout and content to maximise the user engagement.

Put together these two tasks will result in better rankings and usage of your site.


SEO Image showing increase over time

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the process of performing low level web site actions that will result in improved search results.

As opposed to standard SEO which addresses the text and content of your site, the technical SEO specialist is focused on the crawl, index and rank of the pages within it.

By emulating a search engine crawl of your site we can identify problems that may be affecting your SEO Rankings.

Web Site Markup

Our SEO audit will identify common web site issues, including error codes and missing elements.

SERP Search Engine Results Pages

We can compare your rankings with competing websites and assist you in moving your content to page one.

Page Speed

Google have recently introduced page speed as a ranking metric - simply put well-optimised sites rank better, and have lower bounce rates.

Request a Trinito Web Audit

Our Web Site Audit will help you to understand where you are and where you can get to.

Website Crawl

It’s fundamental that the search engines are able to crawl the content on your site.

Website Index

Can the search engines determine the content of your page easily? Does your site have effective structured mark-up?

Website Rank

Do your pages rank for the keywords that you have focused  on?

Trinito have helped many web sites reach their online potential - let us help you too.

“Excellent results for our new WooCommerce Store. We were struggling in a very competitive market”
“Thanks Jon and the team. We were very impressed with the simple to follow web site instructions and even more so by the difference it made to our bottom line!”
S. Bennett
“Our existing SEO providers were spinning their wheels and we were not getting bang for our bucks, Trinito already supplied our IT support so we had no problems letting them loose on the web site.”
Star Pattern
Have Any SEO Questions?


If you have any questions, please ask…

Trinito Digital is based in Summertown, Oxfordshire, but we are able to offer global SEO services.

Easy just Google us.

We rank highly in the organic results for Oxford SEO because that’s our main keyword, it’s what we do.

We don’t advertise and pay to be highly ranked as some SEO Companies do.

If they can’t so SEO for themselves how can they claim to do it for you?

Most web traffic originates from search engines, and if your content is not showing in the results then you are missing out. Position one will receive the most traffic but not every site can be position one, SEO increases your chances.

If you are not actively executing an SEO strategy on your site you can bet your competitor certainly are. We offer low cost guidance if you have the time to perform your SEO internally.

We charge £49.00 per hour plus VAT, for SEO services, one or two days a month for an SMB eCommerce site is normally plenty.

That depends. If your site has fundamental issues that prevent Google from indexing, then fixing that can lead to spectacular results. Most of the sites we come across have issues that once fixed can yield traffic improvements within weeks.

Pay Per Click is a great way to position your site at the top of the search results, and if you need instant traffic then it’s necessary. 

However, when you stop paying for advertising the traffic will stop too.

We believe that a better long term SEO strategy is to design and structure your site to rank in the organic (free) results.