Consulting & Expertise

Whether your objectives are organisational e.g. growth, efficiency, change etc. or more technologically driven e.g. security, mobility, virtualization etc., our first class consultancy and engineering resources can help you succeed across a large range of technologies, disciplines and vendors.

Trinito Consulting

As a Trinito client you will also benefit from our ‘Thought Path‘ approach to consultancy which delivers robust solutions by actively drawing upon the wide breadth of expertise contained within our ‘Knowledge Network‘.

Our consultancy and engineering capabilities cover all the IT categories within our ‘Knowledge Network’ (as illustrated) providing extensive support for the many specialist concerns and technologies within these groups. They also play an integral part in delivering our 360° service portfolio and that of our support and continuity offering. We are therefore confident of being able to assist you with all your IT consulting requirements in every aspect of your appraisal, planning, design, implementation, support and continuity requirements

Support and Updates

The network infrastructure category (as illustrated above) is one of the most active from an engineering perspective with installations, reconfigurations and support based fixes accounting for most of their work.

There is also an increasing demand for programmes to optimise and accelerate existing infrastructure as technologies evolve and organisations demand a greater return on their assets. So whatever your infrastructural needs may be (switching, routing or unified comms etc.) you can rest assured that our engineering team have the experience and vendor certification necessary to get your network working to its full potential.

The support and assistance provided by our relationship and project management teams proves an invaluable resource for clients using our consulting and engineering services, as outside of their core role both teams have significant expertise to offer in not only an IT capacity; but also in their commercial and organisational experience. They are the key to better understanding our clients and bringing them and the ‘Knowledge Network‘ closer together which in turn delivers significant benefits and specialist value.

Achieving more considered and robust solutions

The collaborative opportunities that were fostered by forming our ‘Knowledge Network‘ quickly influenced our approach to consultancy. Where deemed appropriate consultants across all of our consulting groups began exchanging expertise on active projects even if their specialism wasn’t directly required. Their collective input sometimes sited other issues to address but equally identified efficiencies and opportunities that could be attained. Providing this extra insight to our clients proved popular as it created value in other areas and meant the end solution was more robust and considered. It was for exactly this reason that we formalised the approach and now use it within the majority of our projects. While we only consider this to be good consulting practice and not exactly revolutionary, the approach does offer a valuable structure for achieving greater consistency and also helps create a more robust output.

Using the 'Thought Path' approach

The thought path as illustrated above is a simple matrix used to guide our consultancy process by inviting consideration and collaborative input from all of our specialist consultancy and knowledge groups. As such it mirrors our ‘Knowledge Network’ and the knowledge / consulting groups within this network.

In the example above the main thrust of the technology requirement has been identified directly by a client as being ‘Storage’ (b). In example (a) this would have been defied with the assistance of the ‘Commercial & Management’ group but either way, as a ‘Storage’ focused project, it would be extensively lead by a member of the ‘Storage’ consulting group.

After providing an overview of the project they would then put it before all other knowledge / consulting groups for input. In this case the ‘Cloud & Online’, ‘Security’, ‘Mobility’ and ‘Commercial & Management’ groups have all returned relevant input. The ‘Security’ group (d) have also noted input that relates to the ‘Network Infrastructure’ group who have in turn provided their specialist input (e). What this last item also illustrates is that each knowledge group also uses the matrix from their own perspective and in doing so makes the solution multi-dimensional and more robust in its consideration.

The interconnectivity and interdependence of today’s technology and its importance to the organisation that it serves, suggests that there are implicit benefits from thinking this way and perhaps equally risks for those who don’t make the same considerations. Both our team and clients alike find it a useful framework to work with and we would welcome the opportunity to demonstrate what it can deliver you and your organisation.

A commercial focus with extensive sector experience

The inclusion of the ‘Management & Commercial’ consulting group with its non-technology focused remit, and our commitment to put people before technology, are two good examples of how commercial and organisational thinking drive our technology solutions.

Our experience of working with clients of varying size; from multinationals and government departments, to small companies and individual entrepreneurs across a wide range of sectors, gives us a first-hand appreciation of the various challenges and opportunities faced, as well those unique to a particular sector or scale of organisation. However regardless of the noted benefits that this experience brings we’re never blinkered by our previous experience and instead embrace the individuality of every organisation that we work with.

Catering for such a wide array of people and organisations means our offering has to be not only scalable; but equally flexible and extremely cost conscious. In achieving this we are able to deliver the same sense of value to everyone that we support.